1. New job
2. Bruce - daycare, teeth, mobility, sheer size...
3. Family
4. FALL!
(Yes... I
do need to organize my thoughts via numerical lists. So there.)
1. I GOT A NEW JOB!- My last day at the college was August 14th - giving me my first free weekend in MONTHS - and I have never been happier with my career situation. I am the Office Assistant for an insurance and risk management pool specializing in water and sewer districts in Washington state. It's a public entity company, meaning amazing Government benefits. I run the office, plan the meetings, book the retreats, and go on business trips. I know I sound completely immature and gushing, but I'm truly happy here and feel like I might have found 'my place'. The only two down-sides? One, it's in downtown Bellevue, making my commute quite a bit longer than it was to the college. Two?
2. Bruce
- ... in daycare. After spending the first 7 months of his life with his Mommy, my sweet boy had to be plopped into daycare for roughly 9 hours/day. It's not all gloom-and-doom, however; Anita, who runs the daycare along with her husband, Dan, has been at this for 27 years... and lives across the street from us. Score! They really love Bruce, and he's thriving there.
- Teeth: My not-so-little man (8.5 months already?!) has his two bottom teeth, and will soon be the proud owner of his upper-chompers as well. His upper right tooth has broken through and is coming in nicely, and the upper left seems to be soon to follow. He loves being able to eat what we're eating... something that he couldn't do beforehand.
- Mobility: Squishy can crawl! Granted, it's still early (and by "early" I mean "hilarious part army-crawl, part launch-forward, part backwards movement"), but he can definitely get himself around now. He's also pulling himself up (something that he's been doing at various ability levels since he was 3 months old) and walking around, holding on to our fingers. I can't believe that MY offspring is so ready to get-up-and-go! Where's my lazy baby?
- Sheer size: Yeah. Um, Bruce is a little big. Not "fat"... not even "chubby"... just
BIG. At 8 months, his stats are as follows:
Weight = 24.5 lbs (96th percentile)
Length = 30 in. (96th percentile)
Head = 19.25 in. (97th percentile)
3. Family- Steve's dad fell and broke his neck in the garage two weeks ago, and is finally starting to realize that fact. To say that he has been 'stubborn' would be wildly inaccurate, but at least he's getting better. The plus-side (because there always is one)? Christopher, Steve's brother, has started talking to Dad again after almost 6 months of not. Progress.
4. FALL IS COMING...!- Eee!
- On Tuesday, Sept. 22nd at 5:18 p.m., I will be the happiest woman alive... or, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. Fall is, without a doubt, Krystal's Happy Time. Last year, I wrote a (MySpace) blog regarding all the wonderful things I have to look forward to, but this year I plan to do something different entirely:
Experience it.
This will be Bruce's first fall season, and that means I'll get to be as hyper and schmeepy as I want without Stephen making fun of me. Much.
That's about it for us. I have my first business trip next week (Lake Chelan... woot!), and then a couple of big projects to work on at the office.
Here's a list of what I'm brainstorming about now:
making a unique headboard for our bed,
fall wreaths,
Christmas wreaths,
fall cookie recipes,
finally tackling Alton Brown's Apple Pie recipe,
making a baby sling,
making Christmas blankets for family presents this year,
financial planning,
getting my AIS cert.,
the cost of a relatively new-ish Jetta/Passat (both TDIs),
headshots for voiceovers (thanks, Robert!),
voiceover representation and/or classes,
quitting Avon,
squeezing in skating time,
recipes using squash and any other gourds,
Halestorm (nothing in particular... I just love their music),
a trip to Florida with Bruce to meet his great grandpa and grandma,
start looking at houses by mid-2010...