Dec 18, 2009
All things BRUCE
While 2009 has kicked our collective ass more than any year should be able to... I'm still alive. So, it's mid-December... and my son is turning ONE in only 10 days. I think I'm going to have a heart attack - and that IS something that will likely carry me to the grave.
I plan on posting my traditional 'Year in Review' blog here in a couple of days, but wanted to give a quick Bruce-update!
"Dada", "Mama", "Dung" (yes... "dung"), "Down", "Uh-Oh!", "Shoe", "Cat", and a mix of whatever it is he's saying when he babbles.
Yep. He does it! Bruce started walking a couple weeks ago, right around Thanksgiving, and has a pretty good grasp on it. The only time he tumbles is when he gets too excited, or is overly tired. He can stand, stoop, squat AND walk backwards! I'm so impressed by my little man!
The Squish is now the proud owner of 6 baby teeth! He's still cutting them, though, and it seems pretty painful this go-round. He has two more coming in on the top, bringing the total to 8... and I'm sure he's going to practice sinking them into my hand any day now. Oy.
He's awesome. That is all. :)
Nov 12, 2009
Go, go, go!
Go, go, go...
Times they are a-changin' at the Bishop household. In the month since I last posted, Bruce has gained one more tooth (on the bottom), learned to stand on his own - albeit briefly - and how to use his lion/walker toy to walk himself across the living room. My favorite thing? He now says "Uh oh!" whenever he drops something, and can make the sign for 'all done' right along with me! It is the most magical thing, being able to communicate with your child and knowing that they can communicate right back!
Go, go, go...
Because there is always a second side to every coin... I have to announce that I had a miscarriage last month, on my 26th birthday. I was 12 weeks that day, and started cramping and blah blah blah. We're all okay now, but it was definitely a horrible experience that I had hoped to never go through again. Because of this, we may be a one-child household; my health has been crappy enough as it is, and Bruce is more than enough for us in every (good) way possible.
Go, go, go...
Because working full time, being a mother and a wife, and trying to find time for friends isn't enough, I decided to go back to school for my BSBA (Bachelors of Science in Business Administration) at Central Washington University's Des Moines campus. Before I can jump into that, however, I have about three quarters' worth of pre-requisites to get through... and then two years of classes at CWU. The way I see it is this: I enjoy my job. The insurance field makes sense to me. People will always need property/liability insurance. If I play my cards right, I can get a good degree, and move up in the salary brackets enough to help our little family to live comfortably. I just had that realization while I was driving around Meydenbauer Bay a couple of weeks ago, seeing all these amazing houses, and wondering what the differences between 'them' and me were.
Go, go, go...
The flu, swine or otherwise, has hit the Bishop house it seems. Steve's dad was puking his guts out last night - you're welcome for the visual - and now Steve is texting me that he's not feeling well either. Bruce was puking yesterday morning and then in the middle of the night last night... and I may be joining him in that in just a few minutes. Blech.
Go, go, go...
We are definitely going to Florida for the first weekend of December to visit my Grandpa Chet and his wife, Darlene...! We'll only be in Florida for one full day... oh, the jet lag... but plan on visiting with them for the morning/early afternoon, and then hitting the Magic Kingdom with Bruce for the evening. It will be his first time on a plane, and our first time to Florida!
Go, go, go...
... going, going, Gone!
Sep 29, 2009
More that CAN'T be said than can...!
That's where I am right now.
Between people breaking things (father-in-law: neck, grandfather-in-law: hip and/or leg), traveling for work, the insanely fast progression of my son from 'little baby' to 'ginormo', and a few other things I'm not entirely ready to share just yet, this has been one craaaaazy year.
But I am here to focus on the good!
Bruce had his 9-month check up yesterday morning, and is doing very well! He weighed in at a nice 23.75 lbs, with a 19.5'' head, and 30.5'' body. He's definitely a big guy, but not only is he proportionate, he is also extremely active! That ensures that his cute baby rolls stay "cute", and don't morph into "cankles" down the line. He has four teeth now (two on top have broken through, plus two on bottom), and is able to wave his arms and say "Eahhhh!" for "Yay!", clap his hands on command, and shake his head 'no' when asked a question... regardless of the real answer!
He is now a crawling machine, not content to stay put longer than about 1.3 seconds! I love watching him figure out what toy or book he wants to go after, because you can really see the thought process play out on his face. He has mastered pulling himself to standing, and has recently decided that he's ready to walk; he's not, of course (the poor guy keeps falling down...!), but it's still adorable to watch and help him waddle across the room by holding his hands. Cruising (walking along the edge of the couch for support) has also begun, slowly but surely.
As for food... he's a machine there as well! Not content to suffer through regular canned baby food, our little man prefers finger foods - prepackaged and not. Last night, he ate herbed chicken in wine sauce right along with us!
I'm loving my job, and may be up for a promotion (so to speak). We need someone to start doing some hardcore marketing to our members and potential members... and that's where I may come in! I'll find out more about that in a month or so, so stay tuned.
Steve is still considering a career in Radiology. After two years, he could be an Ultrasound Technician, and make some serious money... serious money that we could really use to pay for Bruce's ever-shrinking wardrobe, my coffee habit, and a house of our own!
Finally, we're in the early planning stages of an early-December trip to Florida to visit my Papa and step-grandma. They have yet to meet Bruce, and are in no condition to be flying across the country to do so. I hope to hear back from them soon about this, as there are some killer deals on tickets right now...!
Sep 9, 2009
The things a month can bring...
2. Bruce - daycare, teeth, mobility, sheer size...
3. Family
4. FALL!
(Yes... I do need to organize my thoughts via numerical lists. So there.)
- My last day at the college was August 14th - giving me my first free weekend in MONTHS - and I have never been happier with my career situation. I am the Office Assistant for an insurance and risk management pool specializing in water and sewer districts in Washington state. It's a public entity company, meaning amazing Government benefits. I run the office, plan the meetings, book the retreats, and go on business trips. I know I sound completely immature and gushing, but I'm truly happy here and feel like I might have found 'my place'. The only two down-sides? One, it's in downtown Bellevue, making my commute quite a bit longer than it was to the college. Two?
2. Bruce
- ... in daycare. After spending the first 7 months of his life with his Mommy, my sweet boy had to be plopped into daycare for roughly 9 hours/day. It's not all gloom-and-doom, however; Anita, who runs the daycare along with her husband, Dan, has been at this for 27 years... and lives across the street from us. Score! They really love Bruce, and he's thriving there.
- Teeth: My not-so-little man (8.5 months already?!) has his two bottom teeth, and will soon be the proud owner of his upper-chompers as well. His upper right tooth has broken through and is coming in nicely, and the upper left seems to be soon to follow. He loves being able to eat what we're eating... something that he couldn't do beforehand.
- Mobility: Squishy can crawl! Granted, it's still early (and by "early" I mean "hilarious part army-crawl, part launch-forward, part backwards movement"), but he can definitely get himself around now. He's also pulling himself up (something that he's been doing at various ability levels since he was 3 months old) and walking around, holding on to our fingers. I can't believe that MY offspring is so ready to get-up-and-go! Where's my lazy baby?
- Sheer size: Yeah. Um, Bruce is a little big. Not "fat"... not even "chubby"... just BIG. At 8 months, his stats are as follows:
Weight = 24.5 lbs (96th percentile)
Length = 30 in. (96th percentile)
Head = 19.25 in. (97th percentile)
3. Family
- Steve's dad fell and broke his neck in the garage two weeks ago, and is finally starting to realize that fact. To say that he has been 'stubborn' would be wildly inaccurate, but at least he's getting better. The plus-side (because there always is one)? Christopher, Steve's brother, has started talking to Dad again after almost 6 months of not. Progress.
- Eee!
- On Tuesday, Sept. 22nd at 5:18 p.m., I will be the happiest woman alive... or, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. Fall is, without a doubt, Krystal's Happy Time. Last year, I wrote a (MySpace) blog regarding all the wonderful things I have to look forward to, but this year I plan to do something different entirely:
making a unique headboard for our bed,
fall wreaths,
Christmas wreaths,
fall cookie recipes,
finally tackling Alton Brown's Apple Pie recipe,
making a baby sling,
making Christmas blankets for family presents this year,
quitting Avon,
squeezing in skating time,
Halestorm (nothing in particular... I just love their music),
start looking at houses by mid-2010...
Jul 27, 2009
(Internal) derby bruises, and my Bruiser
My skating skills are nowhere near where I'd like them to be, but I'm working on it. That's all I can do, right? I've gone to as many Open Skates as a I can, even though I had to miss the PFM practice on Sunday due to exhaustion (read: 2.5 hours of sleep the night before). My main goals? Crossovers, crossovers, crossovers.
Tryouts for Rat City are Wednesday, August 11th. I have this sinking feeling that I will (1) not only be passed over, but (2) asked to get my ass off the track before I hurt someone. I wonder if my in-laws will let me skate indoors... or my work...
Happy topic anyone? (I'm bumming myself out with my pity-party crap.)
Bruce turns 7 months-old tomorrow...!
My sweet Bruiser; he's 22 lbs of drooling, grasping, stomping love and I can't get enough of him. He's learning how to wave 'Hi' and 'Bye' right now - he started doing it on his own! - and it's adorable, even if it's completely off. Seriously, he'll make this scooping motion with his hand, with his arm stretched out towards the person he's directing it to. Admirable, but hilarious!
What else? He's going through a mini growth-spurt... again... which means we've had to increase his food intake from one serving of baby food a day to two or three, depending on his mood. His favorite form of mush? Butternut squash, and anything with apple in it. He's also a big fan of the Pear & Mango combo his grandpa brought home. He's still taking more than a full day's worth of formula on top of that! He comes from healthy stock...? HA! His two bottom teeth keep shooting up, making his love-bites pretty painful at times. I don't see signs of any more teeth coming in, but basically once a kids starts teething, a tooth can come in at any time over the next two years. *whimper*
So, between work, family, derby, school, and attempting to see friends, my life has suddenly become very, very full. I'm amazed at how quickly things can change... and how some things never ever seem to.
Jul 17, 2009
Oh, sweet Jesus...
I wonder what it would be like for a group of psychologists (A herd? A gaggle? A cult?) to study my brain and the crazy way it processes things.
I'm referring, of course, to my decision to tryout for the Rat City Roller Girls derby teams next month. It's not crazy that I want to get into roller derby; I think this sport was created for me, and I couldn't have found it at a better time in my life. Trying out, though? Maybe not the wisest idea. It isn't just that the thought of skating in front of a bunch of tough, experienced chicks is terrifying (which, by the way, it kind of is), but it's also the fact that I've only skated twice now in the last decade. A decade. DECADE.
It's like Steve said, though; I can't expect to be perfect at everything on the first go-round.
Yes, my skating is stiff... but I haven't fallen down yet.
Yes, I need to work on my crossovers... but I haven't broken a femur. Yet.
I was at Skate King last night for an Adult Skate, and was the only one there in full gear. I felt a little out of place, especially since I couldn't skate nearly as well as most people on the rink, but it felt good to get a little more practice just being on my skates.
Oh, yeah! I got skates!
A nice, easy pair of R3s. Just basic black, nothing fancy. It's just cool to have my first pair, knowing that they're going to be with me for a while.
I guess that's it for now. Tryouts are on August 11th and 12th, so under a month away. I'm still trying to work in time to practice after I get off work or on the weekends when Steve can watch Bruce. I think that's going to be the hardest part of derby; making the time for practices and bouts. I feel so guilty even taking 20 minutes for a shower, let alone driving out to Bellevue or Lynnwood multiple times a week.
We'll figure this out. Derby is already too much fun...
Jul 7, 2009
Good things come in pairs, apparently!
Both his bottom right and bottom left middle teeth are coming in and, while it renders him completely miserable and fussy, I couldn't be more proud. How silly does that sound, by the way... being proud of my child's emerging teeth? It's not like he or I have any say over it, or the rate that they come in. I guess I'm just so amazed by how quickly he's growing. He's my little giant.
Next topic up for discussion?
Yep... I'm going to look into Roller Derby!!!!!
Jun 27, 2009
Things that go CHOMP!
His first tooth is coming in!
Steve called to inform me that he felt something a little sharp in Bruce's mouth (sounds terrifying, right?) and, after obtaining visual confirmation, we have tooth! The coolest part about this is that Bruce turns 6 months old tomorrow. Talk about milestones! What an awesome story this is going to make for him when he's older and wants to know about his milestones with growth and all that fun stuff.
Our little man - on top of producing his first tooth - has also been going through his 6-month growth spurt. We noticed very quickly that, when it comes to the 'typical' growth spurts, Bruce is about a week or two... or four... ahead of the actual date they should be occuring on. It just goes to show that, once again, BABIES GROW AT THEIR OWN PACE. While he normally takes roughly 32 oz of formula every day (on top of whatever pureed food we offer), these last two weeks have seen him consuming anywhere between 28 and 50 oz in a 24-hour period. *GULP* Big guy!
On a slightly sour note, we go in on Monday for Bruce's 6-month Well Child check-up mean - you guessed it - more shots. They put off giving him one round of shots at his 4-month visit, so he will be getting stuck THREE times. I can't stand seeing the look in his eyes while they hold him down and he's screaming... *shudder* I just want to snuggle him and slap the nurses!
Anyway, that's the newest on our not-so-little guy. I'll definitely post more after Monday when we have the latest growth/weight stats!
Jun 13, 2009
Just... adorable!
To start the weekend off, we took Bruce to his first Mariner's game on Friday. The M's were playing the Twins (and ultimately lost after going into extra innings... boo...), the weather was great, and I wanted to cash-in my Mother's Day gift of a baseball game! At first Bruce was a little spooked by the train - and the resulting whistle - as well as the cheering, but being able to hold my hand while in our new baby backpack seemed to do the trick. By the time we got to our seats (Section 347 is AWESOME, by the way), he was golden! He interacted with everyone nearby, snuggled with Daddy, and gave me tons of kisses.
This picture, aside from being insanely adorable, is great; this is the face he makes before deciding to do something 'new' - a new way to roll, a new way to smile, a new "something".
All-in-all, I'd say it was a great weekend!
May 30, 2009
Adventures of Any/All Kinds
Bruce has mastered rice cereal and pureed carrots, and is now onto peas and butternut squash. I wasn't intending him to start the squash until next week, but Granny was watching him for the day and didn't know that... so he got an extra treat! We're trying to space the new foods out by 3 days at least, to see if he develops any kind of allergic reaction to the food... but, so far so good!
Adventure #2:
Bruce + cup + 1/2 ounce of water at a time x 4 = hilarity
Adventure #3:
I went to an Open Call for the Colleen Bell Agency, a Bellevue-based talent agency specializing in modeling, acting, and voice acting. I decided that there are some one-time dreams in life that are definitely fine to give up - my ambition to live in a house made entirely of pudding and Doritoes, for example - but then, even with all the pressures and responsibilities that I may have, there are some things that just shouldn't get pushed aside. I have a real knack for doing different voices, and it has always been a passion of mine. I'm hoping to hear back from the Bell Agency some time next week, but I'll also look into another Seattle-area agency that specializes solely in voice-over artists.
Adventure #4:
This one is kind of 'forced', since it's not an adventure I was hoping to have any time soon. My boss' boss, C.P., is a pretty horrible boss. Seriously, she just should not be in the position to manage anything other than her own checkbook. Anyway, she has been making work-life progressively harder over the last couple of months to the point that I am seriously rushing through my Medical Coding & Billing studies so I can get out of here. That, I guess, is what this 'adventure' involves; a whole lot of studying, praying, job-applying, and wishing that the economy didn't suck so very, very much.
Adventure #5:
I am way, way in love with Baby Legs. They're a-maz-ing; little leg and arm warmers for children (and adults), that come in adorable little patterns. They do, however, cost roughly $14.95 retail, or $12.00 online FOR ONE PAIR. GAH!!! That being said, I'm thinking about making some for Bruce on my own. There has to be a leg warmer pattern out there... and what better way to learn how to knit than start on this? *gulp* You can check-out Baby Legs here:
May 18, 2009
Adventures in "real food"
As you can tell by the picture above, we've also started letting B.Max try his hand (literally) at drinking from a cup. He LOVES it! Sure... most of the water cascades down his chin after every enthusiastic gulp, but that's half the fun!
Recipe Madness Monday!
Serrano Ham and Manchego Cheese Croquettas
(*What are these? Basically, you turn your leftover mashed potatoes into wonderfully cheesy, fried balls of heaven. Eat them. You will see.*)
3 cups mashed potatoes, leftover or freshly made
1/4 pound manchego cheese, frozen 1 hour then finely chopped with a food processor (1 cup), plus shaved manchego cheese, for serving
6 ounces serrano ham, frozen 1 hour then finely chopped in a food processor (1 cup)
2 large eggs
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 cups panko bread crumbs
Vegetable oil, for deep-frying
Romesco sauce for serving
Chopped chives, for serving
In a large mixing bowl or in the food processor combine mashed potatoes, cheese, ham and eggs. Season with plenty of salt and freshly ground black pepper. The mixture should still be wet enough so the bread crumbs stick to the croquettas. Form into croquettas (makes about 2 dozen, medium-sized) and dip into panko bread crumbs, seasoned with salt and pepper. Pat lightly so the crumbs stick. Lay out on a tray, cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before frying.
To fry, heat 1-inch of vegetable oil in a deep-fryer or heavy bottomed pot, over medium heat to about 360 degrees F. Fry in small batches, turning once until evenly browned. Each batch should take approximately 5 to 6 minutes. Drain on paper towels and season with kosher salt. Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with chives and shaved manchego. Serve with Romesco Sauce.
Romesco Sauce:
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 poumd roasted red peppers, drained
*1 egg yolk
2 large garlic cloves, peeled
1/2 teaspoon orange zest and 1/4 cup juice, from 1 orange
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
Toast almonds in a skillet over medium heat until golden, about 3 minutes. Transfer almonds to a blender. Add roasted red peppers, egg yolk, garlic, zest, and season with salt and pepper. Pulse a few times to combine the ingredients. With the blender on low speed drizzle in the olive oil. Once it begins to emulsify, stop the blender and add the orange juice, and sherry vinegar. Buzz once more to fully emulsify.
May 9, 2009
In honor of Mother's Day
Of course, I expect that not all of this will apply in a year or two (especially anything having to do with drool, I'd assume)... so it's going to be exciting to see how things change!
I love...
seeing my son's eyes light up when he sees me cuddling with my baby how blowing raspberries on his tummy will make him laugh one day, but get no reaction the next hearing him breathe asking my son a question, and getting a glob of drool as an answer the fact that I have a son knowing that he likely got his eye color from me how adept at diaper changes I have (finally) become watching Steve and Bruce snuggle at the end of the day knowing that I can calm him down when no one else can the way he will give me "kisses" after I burp him taking him to visit "baby-in-the-mirror-friend" when random people stop me to tell me how gorgeous my son is when Bruce astonishes the doctor with how much he has grown knowing I made my mother-in-law a Grandmother ... that the best is yet to come.
Apr 28, 2009
Baby kisses
One such game involves him looking from whomever is holding him, waiting for a smile or some form of recognition, then looking at one other person (this is usually played with Grandma and Mommy) and - again - waiting for a smile or recognition, only to smile coyly and do it all again.
The other one (the one that has completely stolen my heart) is simple:
I kiss his cheek, he turns his head for another one.
I kiss his cheek again, and he 'kisses' my nose/mouth/nearest facial feature.
I melt.
On to less sappy notes, this weekend was spent in Forks, WA (yes, "Twilight Town"), visiting Steve's aunt, uncle, and cousins. Bruce did extremely well on the car ride, and seemed to enjoy his first exo-utero ferry ride from Edmonds to Kingston. We kept getting stopped by random people, telling us what an adorable boy we had! I couldn't agree more.
Time on the Baysinger homestead was great. They have mules, horses, ducks, dogs... not to mention a pretty fun bunch of family. Bruce was outside and enjoying the fresh air all day on Saturday, causing him to sleep extremely well that night! Only ONE middle-of-the-night wake-up, AND he talked himself back to sleep at one point!! I am a proud, proud Mama.
Finally, tomorrow is D-Day; the day Steve and I find out just what's wrong with my thyroid. My doctor's office called me on Friday to let me know that the preliminary test results show that I have "thyrotoxicosis", most likely from Graves Disease. Whatever, kids... I just need it fixed!
So, that's all for now. I'm thinking about posting another recipe... any ideas?
Apr 21, 2009
Now there is a phrase I never thought I'd say...!
At his 4-month Well Child appointment yesterday, Bruce stunned us all. Our little Bruiser weighed-in as follows...
Weight: 17 lbs, 3 oz.
Length: 27 in.
Head: 17.5 in.
Percentile: 97th
Dr. Constantin was thrilled with how well Bruce was doing, and said that everything seems to be developing the way it should... which was a huge relief for me. I'm sorry, but this is a mini-human! Have you ever stopped to think about just how much could go wrong?! She also gave us the 'go-ahead' for starting Bruce on rice cereal!!! SQUEEE!!! He has been so interested in food for the last two weeks... and since I'm no longer breastfeeding (due to a combination of him weaning himself and my thyroid), it comes at a perfect time.
I've decided that I need to get him out of the house more often (read: Mommy is going stir-crazy). Instead of this being one of those "I've decided..." moments that get placed on the back burner of my brain, I actually stuck with it! Case-in-point? This afternoon.
This afternoon, Bruce and I met my best friend, Mary (and her 3 dogs - Blue, Dante, and Mister) at Westcrest Dog Park, in West Seattle. It was awesome! Not only was the weather perfect, but Bruce got to be around over 25 different dogs, and take his first walk in the woods. If his bottle hadn't have leaked in the diaper bag, we might have stayed even longer! The sun was shining (74 degrees!), the dogs were friendly, Mary was amazing as always, and it felt so, so good to be out of the house. When I was pregnant, I was determined that my baby would be out experiencing the world (or at least our community)... and today was a great first step.
Here are some other ideas I have for places to take Bruce:
Woodland Park Zoo
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
Pike Place Market (he's already been, but still. Come on.)
Seattle Aquarium
Seattle Science Center
Marymoor Park
Lake Sammamish State Park
The Little Gym (starting at 6 months)
Reading Time - Libraries
I'm open to recommendations...!
Apr 8, 2009
How NOT to take care of your child
Not so with this one.
If you are a parent, this may be too much to handle.
On Monday of this week, a story aired about a 21 year-old mother in Lynnwood, WA leaving her infant son in her car for seven hours in 69-degree weather while she was at work. Her son, consequently, died from this... and I can't get it out of my head.
While I understand that there are relative factors that play into her decision-making (1 - her age/education/maturity, 2 - childcare availability, etc.) here, I'm flabbergasted. How could a mother do that to her baby? According to police reports, the woman didn't even walk out to the parking lot to check on him, not that the small act of checking on him would have made what she did any better, but still. I keep picturing what it must have been like for that poor little baby, and it breaks my heart; I can almost hear him crying for his mother, hungry and wet and overheated in that car.
This story has been heavy on my heart this week. I can only pray that that sweet boy didn't suffer, and that he is resting peacefully with the Father.
Sorry for the downer, everyone... but sometimes you just have to get it out.
Mar 28, 2009
No more weaning = no more whining
That being the experience of our first day of full-on forumla, we decided to stop this weaning business and continue breastfeeding. There has GOT to be something out there (medicinal, homeopathic, or otherwise) that can provide me with some relief while we get my thyroid figured out that does not require me to stop nursing my 3 month-old son!
I'm sure Dr. Ball is going to blow a gasket, but he's so close-minded and old fashioned about breastfeeding that that is to be expected. Plus, he really does have my (the patient) best interest at heart, so I have to respect him there.
I just know how good breastfeeding is for babies, and how much Bruce loves it... so we're considering this the first big "mommy sacrifice" that I'm having to make for him. I would gladly continue to feel like crap in order to give Bruce the best start possible.
ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population. |
Mar 21, 2009
Weaning and Whining
Thanks to this wonderful master-organ, my Endocrinologist (Dr. Ball) has put me on a beta-blocker. Unfortunately, those are HUGE nursing no-nos, as they pass into the milk and are extremely bad for baby. You know what that means? Yep.
I have to wean my son.
I don't think my heart has hurt so bad in years... and it's not getting any easier. Bruce has taken to formula (soy) amazingly well. We tried him on Similac Sensitive first, but he got so gassy on it that we had to switch. He will take a bottle from anyone, even me, although he will glare daggers at me the entire time now. We started weaning him on Wednesday, so it's still really early in the process. I nurse him every other feeding when I'm there, and only pump at work to relieve the pressure from getting so full. Oh, and I still nurse him in the middle of the night; it would be cruel not to at this point.
Even though this is nowhere near when I had intended to wean Bruce off the breast, I really am thankful that we got in three solid months of nursing. He's such a chub, so I know he got a lot out of it!
This may sound incredibly stupid, but I have this fear that he and I won't stay as bonded as we are now once I quit breastfeeding him. He's only 12 weeks... he still smiles at just about everyone (then again, he CAN be pretty selective with whom he graces with a smile... we think he's just a VERY social little guy), so how do I know if he really loves his Mama? It's so stupid and so selfish, but breastfeeding was the only thing going right for our little family for the last 12 weeks, and now it's leaving... it's really, really hard to cope with that.
Mar 16, 2009
On studying, rolling, and wisdom (teeth)
It's like eating an appetizer, even though it is horrendous, just because you're insanely hungry. I want to get to the good stuff, damn it!
On to Bruce-news (since that is ALWAYS classified as "good stuff")...
He's amazing.
At 11 weeks, and a whopping 16.4 lbs., my son is showing some serious signs of fierce independence, with an adorable need for cuddles afterwards. He rolled over (from belly to his left) during Tummy Time this afternoon, and is still content to gnaw on his fingers while staring at "Friend Clock", the grandfather clock, in my in-laws' living room for nearly 30 minutes. Of course, he has to be sitting up like a big boy (oh yes, he does) or else there's a loud re-enactment of Chernobyll... oy. After such bouts of independence, my little trooper always wants a snuggle (read: "GIVE ME BOOB, WOMAN!") and really seems to love kisses from his slightly overwhelmed Mommy.
Finally, I had my three wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday. Let's just say that God and I are going to have a little chat about the creation of body parts that have little to no purpose, because OUCH. Sure, they knocked me out for the procedure (two were completely impacted, one was partially so), and sure... they warned me that that afternoon would be "a little tender", but CRAP. I was NOT prepared for the resulting throbbing, stinging, stabbing and otherwise painful sensations.
My word.
Of course, Bruce was completely unaffected by the entire experience and continues to bash his gigantic noggin into my jaw.
I think that's it for now... my "project" calls.
Mar 12, 2009
Aside from changing stinky diapers and feeding my bottomless pit of a son, I've found that Life has settled into a fairly stable routine. I take Steve to work in the mornings, and then Bruce and I spend the day together. Around 4:30, we leave to pick-up Daddy from work and play "Swap the Son", while I head into work for about 4 hours. At that point, I go home, feed Bruce, and head off to bed to start it all over again.
Since being a full-time Mom and part-time employee didn't seem like enough stress (both good AND bad), I decided to add "student" to the mix! I'm taking a Medical Coding & Billing certificate program through Penn Foster - online - with the hopes of finishing by the end of June. I started on Feb. 28th, and there are 44 lessons... so that's definitely a lofty goal. Not only that, but I'm planning to take one online class per Quarter through my work at the University. I'm currently enrolled in their Bachelors of Arts in Management degree, so I might as well make use of it while I'm still here, right? Who knows... I may change my mind about this last one.
Medical Coding & Billing, however, is a definite. Sure, it's not my first choice in a profession, but the healthcare field is one field that is guaranteed to grow like crazy (hello, Baby-boomers!). That means definite job security, good pay, and the ability to find a job in that field just about anywhere in the country. I'll be testing for my Certified Coding Assistant (CCA) certs once I've completed this program, so that should help me stand-out when looking for a position.
I think that's it for now. I got my three wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, so the happy-happy Oxycodone they have me on for pain is starting to kick-in...
Mar 3, 2009
Recipe Time!!
Dish(es): Roasted chicken and parmesan couscous with shallots, chiken and apple sausage, and lemon pepper baby carrots.
1 lg. shallot
2 boxes of instant couscous (one roasted chicken, one parmesan)
2 1/2 cups of chicken stock
2 TS olive oil
1 TS Italian seasoning
1 TS garlic paste
6 fully-cooked chicken and apple sausage links
2 ts basil paste
1 - 1 1/2 lbs. of baby carrots
3 TS lemon pepper
2 TS butter
1. Put a medium pot of water on to boil (for the baby carrots).
2. Heat 2 TS olive oil in a medium pot, and turn to med-high.
3. Mince the shallot, and add to the pot along with 1 TS Italian seasoning. Allow to carmelize.
4. Add carrots to the boiling water, stirring occasionally. Boil for 10 minutes.
5. Slice 6 chicken and apple sausages on the bias (diagonally), and place in a large, non-stick skillet on med-high, stirring occasionally. (Since the sausages are already fully cooked, we're just warming them up.)
6. Add 2 ts basil paste, and 1 TS garlic paste to the sausage. Stir to distribute.
7. After the shallot has carmelized (will become translucent in color), add 2 1/2 cups of chicken stock and allow to come to a boil. Once it boils, add the couscous, stir, cover, and remove from heat. Let it sit for 5 minutes.
8. Once the carrots are done, turn off the heat, drain the water, place back on the stove, and add 2 TS butter and 3 TS lemon pepper. Stir to coat.
9. With a fork, fluff the couscous and shallot. Place on a serving platter, and serve with the chicken and apple sausage links on top.
So... what do you think?
This is my first attempt at actually posting one of my meals. We had this last night and, according to Steve, everyone enjoyed it!
I'm in love
Yesterday, after dropping Stephen off at work, running to the bank, going to Safeway, taking care of Bruce (and if you're a Mom, you know all that entails!), doing the dishes, making dinner, picking up Stephen, going to work, and doing some reading for my Medical Coding & Billing cert. program... it hit me: I'm exactly where I never knew I wanted to be.
I always thought that sure, one day I'd like to have kids and do the whole "mom thing", but I never knew how incredibly rewarding it could be.
That's all.
An "ah-ha" moment from me, to you.
Feb 27, 2009
Breastmilk on ice
The joys of pumping breastmilk will never be fully understood unless one has done it themselves. That being said... I just walked back to my desk at work (yes, I'm there now) carrying two bags (11.5 ounces, total) of breastmilk in a giant Ziplock bag full of ice. *sigh* Everyone knows what I was just doing...! While I know that "breast is best" for Bruce, there are times where it is down-right inconvenient to get that kid fed.
Just for kicks the other night, I started making "Mooo" sounds from the office I was using to pump in, and my boss nearly passed out from laughing. There is a bright side to everything!
Feb 25, 2009
Pollywogs and Pie
I'm looking at his little (ha!) tummy and, next to Buddha, it is the most round stomach I have ever seen on a human being. Put that together with his chubby, bent legs... and I've got myself a baby frog.
In terms of development, BMax and I went to Granny's work this afternoon for an early 2-month weight check. Want to hear the results?
Weight: 14 lbs., 7 oz. (95th percentile)
Length: 24.25 in. (90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.75 in. (95th percentile)
Any worries that I had about him being on-track for growth are now pretty much obliterated!
He has his official 2-month Well Child appointment on 3/3, so we'll see what the tally is then. Poor guy has to get his first round of shots. I'm not entirely sure he's going to take it so well, even if I'm feeding him while its going on; he notices (and is bothered) when I pick something out of his hair while I'm feeding him... so I think he's going to notice getting jabbed in the thigh three seperate times. I'm sorry, but an infant doesn't understand "I know this is going to hurt, but it prevents whooping cough!"
I'm thinking about having one blog post a week be a recipe of some kind... something that I have either tried (complete with the results/reactions afterwards), or something that I plan to try that week (with the results/reactions to follow later in the week). What say you?
Feb 24, 2009
He grows, I grow
I'm trying to figure out a way to get Bruce and I on some kind of a schedule; not for feeding or sleeping (Lord knows it's way too early for that!), but just a general day-to-day kind of thing. Take, for instance, his nightly baths. If all goes well, he has one every evening around 8:00 p.m. and enjoys it immensely. I love watching him smile up at us, and see the realization in his eyes that whenever he kicks, the water will splash! Such a funny goober! Anyway - waaaay off topic. I want to get a daily rhythm going so that he and I will both have some sense of an idea of where the day is going... that way, I'll be able to schedule times to get together with friends, work on Avon projects, bake, etc. Or, at least that's how I hope it will work.
I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to write about this, but I guess I am now...! Ever since Steve and I moved back in with his parents, I've been getting weird looks and condescending questions from just about everyone; family, friends, co-workers... it's annoying. It is just another one of those situations where no one will believe that you're truly happy because, in that same situation, they themselves wouldn't be. Well... tough! I don't like their issues being projected onto me! As startling as it may seem, I love my in-laws, and feel immensely blessed to be living with them. I don't call them "Mom" and "Dad" out of some feeling of obligation...!
Well, considering as I'm trying to work on that schedule, I should probably get to it while I have the time. Here's to productivity!
Feb 21, 2009
The business of starting
Whether I'm starting a job, a project, life at a new house, or a new role in life... I feel the same sense of "OHMYWORD!!!!" every single time.
In the past three months, the following has taken place:
1. I started my own AVON business.
2. I started talking to my parents, after over 18 months of not.
3. Thanksgiving.
4. Bruce's due date passes.
5. Christmas.
6. Bruce is born (read: the Heavens opened up...)
7. Post-partum depression and thyroiditis sets in.
8. New Years.
9. Steve is (officially) laid-off from his job.
10. We move back to my in-laws' house.
11. I start pumping (you know what I'm referring to).
12. We take our first mini-vacation to Cannon Beach, OR.
13. I go back to work, at just 6 weeks post-partum.
14. Bruce is dedicated.
One thing changes... I'm able to breathe... and then another thing changes and *wham*. Start all over.
In the midst of all this starting and stopping and coming and going, I almost forgot one important thing: to enjoy. It is simply amazing to think that I have a son. I can sit and enjoy his little smiles, gurgles, and spit bubbles for hours on end. It is wonderful knowing that we have a place to live, a family to help take care of us, and an abundance of crazy cats (7 in all, people) to keep us entertained.
My plans for this blog? To use this as a way to keep my memories of this amazing time alive. Bruce will want to know what his life was like in these early days/weeks/months/years, and I plan to tell him this:
You enjoyed.