Feb 27, 2009

Breastmilk on ice

Not as fun as "Stars on Ice" or "Disney on Ice", but it gets the job done...!

The joys of pumping breastmilk will never be fully understood unless one has done it themselves. That being said... I just walked back to my desk at work (yes, I'm there now) carrying two bags (11.5 ounces, total) of breastmilk in a giant Ziplock bag full of ice. *sigh* Everyone knows what I was just doing...! While I know that "breast is best" for Bruce, there are times where it is down-right inconvenient to get that kid fed.

Just for kicks the other night, I started making "Mooo" sounds from the office I was using to pump in, and my boss nearly passed out from laughing. There is a bright side to everything!

1 comment:

  1. You do what you have to do and if anyone has a problem with it, well then, phooey on them. Sounds like you need a little cooler to bring home the pumped goodness. You give me so much to look forward to :)
