May 9, 2009

In honor of Mother's Day

Since this will be my first Mother's Day with my baby on the outside instead of in my uterus (yep; I was just four or five weeks pregnant this time last year - Eee!), I thought it would be fun to jot down all the things I love about being a Mom.

Of course, I expect that not all of this will apply in a year or two (especially anything having to do with drool, I'd assume)... so it's going to be exciting to see how things change!

I love...

seeing my son's eyes light up when he sees me cuddling with my baby how blowing raspberries on his tummy will make him laugh one day, but get no reaction the next hearing him breathe asking my son a question, and getting a glob of drool as an answer the fact that I have a son knowing that he likely got his eye color from me how adept at diaper changes I have (finally) become watching Steve and Bruce snuggle at the end of the day knowing that I can calm him down when no one else can the way he will give me "kisses" after I burp him taking him to visit "baby-in-the-mirror-friend" when random people stop me to tell me how gorgeous my son is when Bruce astonishes the doctor with how much he has grown knowing I made my mother-in-law a Grandmother ... that the best is yet to come.

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