May 30, 2009

Adventures of Any/All Kinds

Adventure #1:
Bruce has mastered rice cereal and pureed carrots, and is now onto peas and butternut squash. I wasn't intending him to start the squash until next week, but Granny was watching him for the day and didn't know that... so he got an extra treat! We're trying to space the new foods out by 3 days at least, to see if he develops any kind of allergic reaction to the food... but, so far so good!

Adventure #2:
Bruce + cup + 1/2 ounce of water at a time x 4 = hilarity

Adventure #3:
I went to an Open Call for the Colleen Bell Agency, a Bellevue-based talent agency specializing in modeling, acting, and voice acting. I decided that there are some one-time dreams in life that are definitely fine to give up - my ambition to live in a house made entirely of pudding and Doritoes, for example - but then, even with all the pressures and responsibilities that I may have, there are some things that just shouldn't get pushed aside. I have a real knack for doing different voices, and it has always been a passion of mine. I'm hoping to hear back from the Bell Agency some time next week, but I'll also look into another Seattle-area agency that specializes solely in voice-over artists.

Adventure #4:
This one is kind of 'forced', since it's not an adventure I was hoping to have any time soon. My boss' boss, C.P., is a pretty horrible boss. Seriously, she just should not be in the position to manage anything other than her own checkbook. Anyway, she has been making work-life progressively harder over the last couple of months to the point that I am seriously rushing through my Medical Coding & Billing studies so I can get out of here. That, I guess, is what this 'adventure' involves; a whole lot of studying, praying, job-applying, and wishing that the economy didn't suck so very, very much.

Adventure #5:
I am way, way in love with Baby Legs. They're a-maz-ing; little leg and arm warmers for children (and adults), that come in adorable little patterns. They do, however, cost roughly $14.95 retail, or $12.00 online FOR ONE PAIR. GAH!!! That being said, I'm thinking about making some for Bruce on my own. There has to be a leg warmer pattern out there... and what better way to learn how to knit than start on this? *gulp* You can check-out Baby Legs here:


  1. First of all, cheap babylegs!

    Second of all, they're super easy to make with a pair of knee high socks :)

  2. THANK YOU!!!!! Seriously, I'm squealing right now. :)
