While 2009 has kicked our collective ass more than any year should be able to... I'm still alive. So, it's mid-December... and my son is turning ONE in only 10 days. I think I'm going to have a heart attack - and that IS something that will likely carry me to the grave.
I plan on posting my traditional 'Year in Review' blog here in a couple of days, but wanted to give a quick Bruce-update!
"Dada", "Mama", "Dung" (yes... "dung"), "Down", "Uh-Oh!", "Shoe", "Cat", and a mix of whatever it is he's saying when he babbles.
Yep. He does it! Bruce started walking a couple weeks ago, right around Thanksgiving, and has a pretty good grasp on it. The only time he tumbles is when he gets too excited, or is overly tired. He can stand, stoop, squat AND walk backwards! I'm so impressed by my little man!
The Squish is now the proud owner of 6 baby teeth! He's still cutting them, though, and it seems pretty painful this go-round. He has two more coming in on the top, bringing the total to 8... and I'm sure he's going to practice sinking them into my hand any day now. Oy.
He's awesome. That is all. :)
Not only awesome but downright adorable as well! Hope to meet him someday soon.